Kurucu Üye
i would like to share with you my new seo strategy for my xenforo forum
It's an 11 years old board (it was a phpbb2 before i move to xenforo 2 years ago)
i have around 15 000 pages indexed in Google
i decide yesterday to make a very big move in my forum management (good or bad i will see)
i remove acces to more than 80% of my pages to search engine
here is what i have done:
-i create a forum and move all threads with less than 3 answers and hide it to guest (lots of pages)
i would like to share with you my new seo strategy for my xenforo forum
It's an 11 years old board (it was a phpbb2 before i move to xenforo 2 years ago)
i have around 15 000 pages indexed in Google
i decide yesterday to make a very big move in my forum management (good or bad i will see)
i remove acces to more than 80% of my pages to search engine
here is what i have done:
-i create a forum and move all threads with less than 3 answers and hide it to guest (lots of pages)