Kurucu Üye
Xenforo considers ø and o as different characters, allowing 2 different people having usernames like
yolo and yolø
But then when you export this database and try to re-import it:
Suggestion: instead of utf8mb4_general_ci use utf8mb4_unicode_ci (Accent-Sensitive)
I'm not sure about modifying the database so if an admin can reply it'll be grand.
yolo and yolø
But then when you export this database and try to re-import it:
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 7098: Duplicate entry 'yolo' for key 'xf_user.username'
Suggestion: instead of utf8mb4_general_ci use utf8mb4_unicode_ci (Accent-Sensitive)
I'm not sure about modifying the database so if an admin can reply it'll be grand.