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We run a site with about 100 members, about 30 active per day. Using Xenforo 2.2.16 on PHP 8.2.24
We seem to bump up against our hosts resource limits on a fairly regular basis. Trying to track this down, I determined it is being caused by the jobs.php, more specifically, when it calls for the Perform file health check.
I turned off that job and rewrote the same cron job but with a different name, calling the same function and moved it to a different time. The problem moved with the...
We seem to bump up against our hosts resource limits on a fairly regular basis. Trying to track this down, I determined it is being caused by the jobs.php, more specifically, when it calls for the Perform file health check.
I turned off that job and rewrote the same cron job but with a different name, calling the same function and moved it to a different time. The problem moved with the...