Kurucu Üye
Hi there!
I've juste done the upgrade from version 2.2 to 2.3.3
I've follow all the steps : Upload the upgrade package, overwrite the older files with the newer, then I've pass the upgrade proccess and got the green text that says the upgrade has done successful please go to your admin panel and...
...now I've got only a blank(white) page whenever I try to go on my site.
Does anyuone has idea what's wrong?
I've juste done the upgrade from version 2.2 to 2.3.3
I've follow all the steps : Upload the upgrade package, overwrite the older files with the newer, then I've pass the upgrade proccess and got the green text that says the upgrade has done successful please go to your admin panel and...
...now I've got only a blank(white) page whenever I try to go on my site.
Does anyuone has idea what's wrong?